Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dance with Life

This is a view that I have been taking in over the last few days. Looks a bit dreary, but allow me to say, just how beautiful it indeed is. It is as if there are a thousand different shades of grey, if only you take the time to pay attention and take it in. Peace and quiet. A cold version of serenity, but tranquil all the same.


Sometimes the oddest things happen that create moments. Not the surreal type, but of the ordinary. If you keep waiting for the big Ahh-Ha! moment, I think you'll find that you miss out on the little ones. A smile came out on my face when I saw this, and indeed it made me think of how life is beautiful. I know there is a whole culture of car artists out there, some that I am amused by, and others that I shake my head in disbelief. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and to me this was a nice surprise.


I need not say much about this vehicle. If you please, take a good look at what the driver wanted you to know.

Happy Holidays.

Monday, December 03, 2007

219 mph - The Ferrari response

Well, I was right, it seems there are more videos of yaboos going after the 219mph record. Here is a Ferrari response.

Too funny!