Zanardi was purchased approx. Sept. of 1995. I bought the car from a Gentleman named Russ in Alta Dena. Russ was the second owner, and at the time, the car had 78,XXX miles on it. Russ was a engineer by trade and mainly did design for automotive parts. I fiugred this was a great pedigree, and began negotiating. During the wheeling and dealing Russ and I found some common themes in our life, and it seemed fitting that I take the car. While I didn't pay what he was asking, I gave him as much as I could. Yeah, backwards, but fitting.
The car hadn't been registered in some years, and had badly faded paint from environmental stains, like tree sap, bird droppings, etc. In fact during the inspection, I was greeted by a number of the representatives from the Arthopodia class of insects. I purchased the car, and carefully drove it home. I was worried about the state of the timing belt, hoses, brakes, you name it. While driving, I had the pressure of not having insurance on the car, and lack of registration, but you know what? I was grinning ear to ear.
These pictures are from some time a year later. Approx Sept 96. They are scans so they come out a little weird. Remember photos? I spent many-many weeks working on the paint to get the color showing on her. I lived in a apartment complex, and I'm sure my neighbors thought I was OCD. I finally got the color to look right by abandoning the cheap waxes and polishes and using the heavy duty 3M stuff. Hard to work with, but worth the result.
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