Monday, March 12, 2007

OWNAGE threads

I'm going to admit something, I love OWNAGE threads. Ownage, otherwise known as PWNAGE happens when someone is caught in the act. As in caught in a lie, caught in fraud, stealing, etc.

Since I love this so much, I thought I would start posting the ones I come across.

This one occured when a kid in an RSX thought he was invincible. This accident is recent, and the outcome yet to be determined.

It all happens quite quick, so no worries, you won't be reading long before you experience, the OWNAGE!

And just in case, you are in the mood for another, this is one of my all time favorite ownages. Takes a little reading, but ohh so choice.

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You have to remember, the world is a small place.


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